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English is easy and fun - Writing Task

Enviado por   •  5 de Septiembre de 2023  •  Informe  •  931 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  381 Visitas

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research Course: English A2 Code: 900002

Anexo 1 – Task 2 – English is easy and fun - Writing Task.

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Step 1: As a group, create a drive where you are going to construct your activity. Share the link in the forum. This is a tutorial on how to create a drive, Click Here.

During this term, it is necessary to study the entire e-book which is a great compliment for this course and will help you to exercise your communication skills. The E-Book is in the learning environment.

The specific modules for this task are:

Module 1, Module 2, Module 3

After you study the suggested modules, select and complete three (3) exercises (One per module).

Share the screenshots directly on the forum (click here to learn how to do it Imágenes en el foro). Make sure not to choose an exercise previously selected by another course mate.

Student’s name:

Screenshot Module 1

Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

[pic 3]

Student’s name:

Screenshot Module 1

Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name:

Screenshot Module 1

Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

[pic 4]

Student’s name:

Screenshot Module 1

Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name:

Screenshot Module 1

Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3

[pic 5]

Step 2: Participation in the Student’s Talking Time (STT).

Each student must participate in at least two (2) STT (Ver cronograma en el foro de la actividad), take a screenshot of your participation and fill the chart as evidence:

Student 1- Name:


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 6]

Student 2 - Name:          


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 7]


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 8]

Student 3 - Name:          


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 9]

Student 4 - Name:          


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 10]

Student 5 - Name:          


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 11]


Tutor in the workshop:

Topic and What did I learn?

[pic 12]

Step 3: Simple past and Past Progressive Simple past – Explanation


(I / she / he / it / we / you / they) Construcción grammatical

Positiva: Pronombre + verbo en pasado + complemento He drank soda in the park.

They jumped on the bed.

Negativa: Pronombre + auxiliar + not + verbo en presente+


He did not drink soda in the park. They did not jump on the bed.

Pregunta: Auxuliar + pronombre + verbo en presente+ complement + ?


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