Enviado por Jerry • 18 de Diciembre de 2017 • 789 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 525 Visitas
Today we see how humans have evolved, we just sit and watch the children and give proof of it; it is undeniable that our children are more developed and ingenious that our generation, the evolutionary development shows him from his physical, for example, many do not need some wheels which many of us have, all due to development. Returning, we can now observe how children manage to sit more quickly, raise your head, give orders, promoted, among others, faster than before. And this may be attractive and fascinating for parents, but if we stop to observe need new guidelines for raising, now we have a society in which technological attractive become closer to each of us, where resources and means are available to all television and Internet encourage violence.
In the gardens, schools and colleges today are children, "hyperactive", "anxious", "spoiled", "maldadosos" All these labels are common in our daily lives and in the vocabulary of parents and teachers to children that their teachers do not tolerate their behavior, they expelled, with conditional registration. Despite this no one stops to look closely at the abnormal behaviors in many children, this little psychological support in educational institutions and the custom we have to ignore everything revolves around us adds.
Considering the interdisciplinary work of psychology and other areas, it could prevent further disorder more severe which could affect the quality of life of many people and their families, incentivaríamos a healthier awareness of the importance of mental health, we could prevent intervene and promptly treat those in need, especially those who are the future of our generation.
Eje I: Ninguno
Eje II: Trastorno paranoide de la personalidad
Eje III: Ninguno
Eje IV: Problemas relativos al grupo primario de apoyo
Eje V: EEAG = 35 (actual)
Factores de vulnerabilidad: Abandono por parte de su padre desde la infancia, relación afectiva distante con su madre.
Factores de estrés: Ideas paranoides, ausencia de su padre.
Factores de resiliencia: Ninguno.