Resultados del análisis de los estudios del salario mínimo
Enviado por Sandra75 • 29 de Noviembre de 2018 • 3.080 Palabras (13 Páginas) • 312 Visitas
There was a strong increase in the real minimum wage in Spain between 2004 and 2010. Across many different specifications, we find that an increase in the minimum wage induces a positive and significant impact on the probability of losing the employment for young and older workers. The magnitude of this effect in the case of older workers doubles that of young workers. A small part of these job losses for older workers actually comes from some of them becoming selfemployed. In high occupational categories (for which the increase was much lower) we only find some effects for young people. This is of particular importance because the negative impact on employment probabilities might be very harmful in the case of older workers: They may be definitively expelled from the labour market if their productivity does not grow enough to overcome minimum wage increases, something that is likely to occur, as many of these people are in (or close to) the downward part of their life-cycle productivity profile. In contrast, young workers still have to enjoy the fastest part of their productivity profile, so they probably have greater chances of finding another job sooner or later, even if they are temporarily expelled from the labour market.
It was determined that the level of minimum wages and inflation variables is Granger reason for the unemployment in short period. *Minimum wages, whether they are perceived a social instrument or accepted as an intervention to economy, are extremely important for both the developed and developing countries.
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- A minimum-wage increase had a significant negative effect on the size of the wage gap: with a minimum-wage increase, the wages of female non-regular workers rose, the income gap with regular workers narrowed, and, as found in an analysis of different wage classes, the low-percentile wage increased substantially
- A minimum-wage increase had no significant effect on the wages of male non-regular workers.
- A minimum-wage increase led neither to loss of employment among female and male non-regular workers nor to reduced employment among female and male job seekers.
- A minimum-wage increase was not associated with a reduction in the average weekly hours worked of existing female and male non-regular workers.
It is also necessary to investigate the reasons behind the results of the analysis in this section, or, put differently, the kinds of conditions that led to the results. There are two main reasons why employment does not fall even when the wage rises. In one case, a small wage increase does not lead to a decrease in employment because the wage is kept low relative to labour productivity with the employer’s monopsony power in an imperfectly competitive labour market. In the other case, an increase in the wage does not result in reduced employment as the wage increase is accompanied by improvement in workers’ value-added productivity.16 In considering future policies, it is important to know which case is more applicable to the small effect on employment observed in this paper, and discerning it is another challenge left to future research.
Metodología y recolección de datos
Acercamiento teorico usando dos tipos de modelos, el diference in diference y el state or country specific time trends
We estimate employment effects using three data sets: the Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) and the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (QWI), both from the Bureau of the Census, and the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
I constructed a treatment variable, reflecting the intensity of a policy change on each individual. This will be equal to zero for workers whose cost does not change from between periods, and, in order to focus on low-wage workers, it is also set equal to zero for workers who are affected by increases in the contribution ceiling
My strategy is to compare low-wage private sector workers with slightiy higher-earning private sector workers and workers in the public and informal sectors
Al igual que en el Salvador el uso de la EHPM aquí usan For this study I analyzed quarterly data from the (HLFS) for 2002 to 2005.* In addition to basic demographic information, the survey collects information on whether a person is currently employed and, if so, whether his or her main job is registered with one of the three social security institutions.
In the context of developed countries, the impact of minimum wages on labour market outcomes is generally analysed using a competitive labour market framework. In this framework, a minimum wage imposed above the equilibrium market wage will cause a reduction in employment and create unemployment (Stigler 1946). This framework is appropriate for use in the context of countries with integrated labour markets. For developing countries that are still characterised by dual labour markets, including Indonesia, an alternative framework is required
The data analysed in this study are drawn mainly from the National Labour Force Surveys (Sakernas) conducted annually by BPS. The Sakernas is a nationally representative repeated cross-section survey conducted in August each year and covering all provinces in Indonesia.11 This study uses the Sakernas data from the 1988 to 2000 surveys, except for the 1995 data, which are derived from the labour force module of the Intercensal Population Survey (Supas)
To estimate the causal effect of minimum wages a difference-in-difference estimator before and after the minimum wage change is usually estimated for outcome variables for two groups, the treatment and control group The treatment and control group are defined according to the potential differential impact or bite of the new minimum wage in the urban areas. The assignment of area a into control group, the low impact group, and into treatment group, the high impact group, is determined by this initial proportion of below the new minimum wage earners in the area. The differential impact of the minimum wage is the source of exogenous variation in this estimation strategy
For the estimations in