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TEMA - Psicología Cognitiva

Enviado por   •  14 de Noviembre de 2018  •  962 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  428 Visitas

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Cognitive psychology did not arise from the work of a psychologist or a team that discovered a new paradigm within the field, but rather a change that necessarily unfolded before the need for a complete approach of the human psyche, which influenced the processes that it performs The mind and replace it with the paradigm of the black box.

But he did have some important characters who made great contributions; Alan Baddeley, Frederick Bartlett, Donald B., Ulrich N., Herbert Simon, Endel Tulving, Piaget and Vygotsky, David Ausbel, Herman Ebbinghaus.

It could be said that cognitive psychology has given another approach to psychology, thanks to his innumerable contributions to the world of cognition has allowed him to take strength.

Throughout the life the cognitive processes are the fundamental base for the development of the human being, therefore it is impossible to understand the variables of the behavior and to study them separated of the cognitive processes.

It is the science that has as an object of study at the scientific level the mental process that is inherent in the process of knowledge, so when focusing on the study of human knowledge, cognitive psychology investigates different elements such as the perception of people, What form each human being has a different perception of reality, and what factors influence it.

It gives us information about the memory and of each process that this implies and how it is able to store all the information received from the environment, even, it collects information even unconsciously. And as it is responsible for accumulating the data of the past. Storing each information in specific memory type.

Cognitive psychology has influences from other branches of knowledge such as artificial intelligence, the study of language.

Although its inception dates back to the 50s, 60s, cognitive psychology has come a long way and in the same way has taken on great importance in the world of psychology, all areas of psychology need this to address meaningfully.

The brain is one of the most important organs, and it is necessary to deepen about its functioning, structure and how any alteration can have an impact on the behavior of the individual. Therefore cognitive psychology becomes vital to understand all these processes.

And finally is the school of thought that reflects on the way that human beings have to understand and understand reality.

Then according to all the above, it would be very difficult to understand the behavior of the individual or to be able to study the behavior itself, if we do not know where each of these are produced.

Psychology needs the cognitive processes to arrive at more objective, reliable results, therefore it has given psychology a different vision.


The cognitive processes are part of this, it is therefore that we can no longer speak of the psychology separated from them, since to understand the complexity of behavior we must first study those elements or connections that are responsible for emitting every act of human being .

Then it becomes necessary to pause and ask a question: what internal factors are determinant for human behavior? , Starting from this premise is where we are not interested to know and deepen the previous knowledge of this topic.

Therefore our priority is to subtract the most relevant and empower ourselves with this knowledge that is useful and vital for any future or professional behavior.


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