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Aceites esenciales como herramienta biotecnológica: Aportes a la Bioprospección regional

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Referencias Bibliográficas

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9. Composición química y actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial del Origanum vulgare (orégano). ALbado-Plaus, E., Saez-Flores, G. y Grabiel-Ataucusi, S. 1, 2001, Revista Médica Herediana, Vol. 12, págs. 16-19.

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18. Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial, insecticidal and antioxidant activities of the essential oils of Mentha pulegium L. and Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds growing in Algeria. Fatiha , B., y otros, y otros. Article In press, Industrial Crops and Products.

19. Repellent activity of essential oils from seven aromatic plants grown in Colombia against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera). Nerio, L. S., Olivero-Verbel , J. y Stashenko, E. E. 3, 2009, Journal of Stored Products Research, Vol. 45, págs. 212-214.

20. Repellency and toxicity of essential oils from Cymbopogon martinii, Cymbopogon flexuosus and Lippia origanoides cultivated in Colombia against Tribolium castaneum. Caballero-Gallardo, K., Olivero-Verbel, J. y Stashenko, E. E. 2012, Journal of Stored Products Research, Vol. 50, págs. 62-65.

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22. Essential oils applied to the food act as repellents toward Tribolium castaneum. Olivero-Verbel, J., y otros, y otros. 2013, Journal of Stored Products Research, págs. 145-147.

23. Toxicity and antifeedant activity of essential oils from three aromatic plants grown in Colombia against Euprosterna elaeasa and Acharia fusca (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae). Hernandez-Lambraño, R., Caballero-Gallardo, K. y Olivero-Verbel, J. 9, 2014 : s.n., Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine , Vol. 4, págs. 695-700.

24. The repellent and persistent toxic effects of essential oils against the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae. Nechita, I. S., y otros, y otros. 3-4, 2015, Veterinary Parasitology, Vol. 214, págs. 348-352.

25. ntioxidant activity and α-glucosidase inhibition by essential oils from Hertia cheirifolia (L.) . Majouli, M., y otros, y otros. 2016, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol. 82, págs. 23-28.

26. Comparative extraction processes, volatile compounds analysis and antioxidant activities of essential oils from Cirsium japonicum Fisch. ex DC and Cirsium setosum (Willd.) M.Bieb, LWT . Qiao-Hui , Z., y otros, y otros. 2016, Food Science and Technology, Vol. 68, págs. 595-605.

27. Variation of essential oil content and antioxidant activity of Lonicera species in different sites of China. Dong-Yang , Z., y otros, y otros. 2015, Industrial Crops and Products, Vol. 77, págs. 772-779.

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Tabla 1. Reportes de actividades biológicas de los aceites esenciales en varios campos de acción


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