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¿Qué es evaluación psicopedagógica?. Señale las principales características y aspectos a considerar de la misma.

Enviado por   •  4 de Junio de 2018  •  1.922 Palabras (8 Páginas)  •  476 Visitas

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The relationship between education and poverty reduction is very clear: educated people have higher income earning potential, and are better able to improve the quality of their lives. Persons with at least a basic education are more likely to avail of a range of social services, and to participate more actively in local and national government through voting and community involvement.

- Review the literature

- Observe some more

This will be two sections in one in which I am going to present to you just how bad the situation is in Mexico to try to explain the real depth of poverty in Mexico and how hard it is to work against it because of the situation we live in, to do this I am going to present to you different parts of studies made by other people that explain the problems in Mexico and try to explain the relationship of each to poverty.

Educational situation

Education reform is one of many promises that Mexico's new President Enrique Peña Nieto made during his presidential campaign. His ambitious plan had the general backing of the majority of Mexicans, who agreed that reform of the country's education sector was necessary to secure steady economic growth. The plan did not, however, meet with the approval of the head of Mexico's powerful teachers' union, Elba Esther Gordillo. Her open resistance to reform and her vow to organize a massive national protest threatened to undermine Peña Nieto' s reform efforts and diminish the President's image and credibility. Gordillo's recent arrest on embezzlement charges was, therefore, a surprise

Elba Esther Gordillo was arrested on February 27, 2013 after arriving in Mexico City from San Diego in her private jet. She is now charged with the embezzlement of up to $2 billion pesos ($160 million USD). So far, a Swiss bank account, used to purchase houses in San Diego, has been found under Ms. Gordillo's mother's name. Many Mexicans now wonder how Ms. Gordillo could afford a jet plane, designer bags and plastic surgeries on her annual salary, reported to be $45,000 USD, and question why "la Maestra ("the Teacher"), as Ms. Gordillo likes to be called, was not charged with corruption earlier because her modest salary did not match her luxurious lifestyle. Ongoing investigation may shed further light on Gordillo's wealth and possessions. One possible source of her funds could come from the teachers' union, or Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), which has about one million dues paying members. According to sources, some $175 million pesos ($13 million USD) are deposited on a monthly basis into the SNTE account to which she would have access.

Definitely one of the worst problems in Mexico is education we have a hige sindicate that causes lots of trouble we have teachers marching up and down all across the country but most importantly we have lots of children without going to school and that is a huge cause of poverty increase because many of them do not even finish primary school and with the teachers like the ones we have the situation doesn’t look any brighter.

5.-Develop a theoretical framework and formulate a hypothesis

6.- Choose the research design

7.-Collect the necessary data.

In this section we are going to do the three steps that are listed just above to try to get a viable effective solution for each one of the causes of poverty we have talked before and try to collect all the data to make it work.


This essay has taught me many thing the most important is that poverty is a really serious and deep problem with many causes and to stop it we need to attack all of them not just one and we need to be perseverant because the severity of the problem makes it impossible for it to end in a near future.


Cochran, Rob, and Alfonso Godinez. "REFLECTIONS ON WEALTH AND POVERTY IN MEXICO." International Journal of Humanities and Peace 22.1 (2006): 20-1. ProQuest. Web. 15 May 2014.

MEXICO: Government Schemes to Reduce Poverty. Oxford: Oxford Analytica Ltd, 2002. ProQuest. Web. 15 May 2014.

Momayezi, Nasser. "Economies of Exclusion: Underclass Poverty and Labor Market Change in Mexico." Journal of Third World Studies 16.2 (1999): 224-6. ProQuest. Web. 15 May 2014.

Wealth and Poverty: What's the Government's Role? |


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