Tema- Homosexualidad.
Enviado por Rebecca • 11 de Abril de 2018 • 2.381 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 327 Visitas
La niñez de cada uno de estos niños fue lo mejor pero esa infancia quedo en el pasado y queda como un lindo recuerdo y aunque a veces desearan regresar el tiempo y volver a jugar desean seguir su vida con ese recuerdo de tan divertida infancia y grandes amigos.
When I was little I did not like to wear dresses me were tedious used more pants and shirts or blouses I loved the games my favorites were hide and seek, trapped and jumping rope those games played them many with Armando, Melanie, Susana, Carlos and Valeria we all liked jumping rope although with Susana did not get along very well we had fun together
Each of us had a favorite game
She is Susana with her always fought over who was the first to jump rope but Carlos always beat us and he was the first to jump rope but I knew that the favorite game of Carlos was the handrail always want to be in them.
A Armando prefer to play with the ball was a great player but almost nobody likes to play with the ball we did and we had fun
While her my great friend Melanie she loved the Slides always want included in our games
My favorite game was the swings though they were almost always occupied by another group of friends that sometimes we played football but never got along was strange because all we ever saw in the park many of them were in my room while cursábamos primary and few in secondary
I still remember all the pranks we did together as aventarnos balloons filled with water or tear the grass and watch the clouds aventárnoslos and see that formed
-I am watching a heart.-though it gave me was relaxing sleep
-not true Susana shaped dog and you need lente.-
once Charles fell asleep watching the nines and we came to wake him throwing water that day and we scurry around the park for having wet was fun and even he ended up laughing at our joke and ended up sick and did not play long in I miss my friends at that time we all get along.
Well my childhood was very nice thanks to those friends who were always for me and made me even laugh when I was sad and I know that for them I just was very important and we have our memories when we had to sepáranos was very sad but now it's just a nice memory for our mini adventures we did and now when passing through the park I remember everything
The memory that more I have of my childhood is when met was in a strange way since that day I had gone to draw my favorite place was in 3 primary and there I saw a little girl playing in the Slides I approached and started draw games when someone threw a ball making me stick on the pad leaving a smear of mud on my notebook look bad to the child that no apology gave me just turned around and kept playing I start the blade and I started drawing again to finish the drawing was not very nice but was bored I approached the swings and a girl ran and pushed me causing it to fall to the floor I look bad she just starts laughing me up and pulled her by her pigtails making same this on the ground there we started to laugh
My name is Rebecca, what's yours? And why do you throw?
-your because you pulled me out of my hair? My name Melanie.-Haci I met was a girl who always made me laugh
Then we met Armando who invited us to play when all the swings were busy to see us sitting waiting for the swings vacate the came with a simple
Shall we play Football as if we knew of a lifetime we were bored we accept haci
noticeable-girls who have never played football my name is Armando rehearse them to play soccer is the prometo.- and discovered that we were very poor in this sport what we laughed
Susana and Carlos they arrived one day to the park with a hoop and we played together was fun since we met always clear until the age we separated and Valeria found her sitting on the grass watching everyone play decided to approach her and proposed play she accepted because it looked very boring
From that day on we were inseparable we never parted each had a different childhood but I divertidi my childhood not change it for all the people I ever played were the best friends the last day we played together was a day before leaving the primary because there each take different paths that day we played hide and seek with the ball never better in this game but at least try. I was sad because I knew that would be the last day to see them since that day I no longer saw again
But I remember my childhood with a smile My childhood was always surrounded by friends games and had no concerns all focused on fun and games.
I remember when we hid and shouted to people we saw and then hide it was best to hear our laughter sometimes I return to my childhood to relive all those fun I had, I remember a conversation I once had with Valeria
How do you think will be big?
I do not know but I already would be great to get out more often and do what you want do not you?
if it is great to be a large-
How wrong we were but still Haci my childhood was spectacular
* Tells Carlos * (narra carlos)
My childhood was spectacular being the consent of my parents, I loved to go out and play with my friends never got bored with them my father always said I was the best football player ever wanted to watch TV or read me was boring if not leave me Haci was sad that always came to play and when he came and saw my friends playing or waiting I became very happy and knew it would be a day full of fun
* Tells Melanie *(narra Melanie)
When I was little I wanted not always grow wanted to stay small and never Haci stop playing or that everything were games school I was bored and always imagined we would do when we get together to play and make a new prank always we made a play was my activity favorite and make jokes with my friends never got tired of playing
* Omniscient narrator * (narrador omnisciente)
Those friends never tired of playing his childhood was the best for them always playing for them the time passed very quickly when it came to play they just wanted to play forever and neck separated but when separated looked forward to