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Enviado por   •  9 de Octubre de 2017  •  667 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  569 Visitas

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with whom they live

5. attends school in terms of welfare, free of violence, which respects their personal integrity.

6. Be responsible for your belongings and make proper use of materials and school facilities.

7. Keep informed his parent or guardian concerning their behavioral school performance

8. Recognizes the school as a training space, respectful of their youth identity and multiculturalism; however it is essential to avoid using hats, extravagant hairstyles, dyes and piercings and / or tattoos. In men’s haircut is regular casquee and women hair up, without makeup or nail.

9. disciplined and control your behavior, respect the opinions and tastes of their peers, communicating with respect dislikes and what makes you feel bad.

10. Avoid for your health and wellbeing, eating and introduce school intoxicating beverages, cigarettes and toxic substances.

Students of the esc. It is. ofic. 687 "Nezahualcoyotl" pledge to formally meet this Decalogue of coexistence.


Esta palabra deriva del término griego empátheia, recibe también el nombre de inteligencia interpersonal (término acuñado por Howard Gardner) y se refiere a la habilidad cognitiva de una persona para comprender el universo emocional de otra.


This word derives from the Greek word empatheia, also called interpersonal intelligence (a term coined by Howard Gardner) and refers to the cognitive ability of a person to understand the emotional universe of another.


Se conoce con el término de solidaridad a aquel sentimiento o también considerado por muchos un valor, a través del cual las personas se sienten y reconocen unidas y compartiendo las mismas obligaciones, intereses e ideales y conformando además uno de los pilares fundamentales sobre los que se asienta la ética moderna.


It is known by the term solidarity that feeling or even considered by many a value, through which people feel and recognize together and sharing the same obligations, interests and ideals, and also forming one of the pillars on which sits modern ethics.


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