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Plan de mercadeo Pizzas.

Enviado por   •  31 de Marzo de 2018  •  12.599 Palabras (51 Páginas)  •  320 Visitas

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Domino's has made many advertising campaigns, which, most have been effective, but there was one where I had a great approach with the people, what makes give them a plus for if image. The campaign was to ask people directly what is Domino's, as a company and its products, needed to be renewed, and this was very successful with people as to be taken into account was given a higher value as image Domino's.

Domino's currently has individual presentation and a presentation on pizza combo, which consists of individual pizza, accompanied by fries and soda. This combo manages its products separately at the time of delivery, that is, for a small pizza box, a small box for potatoes and glass of soda. This has brought the opportunity for Domino's can return to renew, in this case in a new packaging design product (combo).

Thus it was carried out market research on where you can get specific information and whether the new proposal is viable package, which will provide greater ease of transportation, handling, practicality, etc.


Domino’s es una empresa empieza en 1960, Tom Monaghan y su hermano James, compraron "DomiNick's", una pequeña pizzería en Ypsilanti Míchigan por $900 dólares los cuales lo pidieron prestados, en 1961, James le vendió a su hermano la mitad de su negocio por un Volkswagen Sedán de segunda mano, y de esta forma Tom se hizo el dueño de todo el negocio. Tom Monaghan, siendo el único dueño de la compañía, renombra al negocio "Domino's Pizza, Inc. en 1965. Pasando dos años, se inaugura la primera sucursal en franquicia de Domino's Pizza en Ypsilanti, MichEl proyecto consiste en el rediseño del empaque del combo de la pizza individual, el cual podrá brindar mayor facilidad de transportación de dicho combo, lo que puede llegar a provocar que la compra no solo sea de una pizza individual si no del combo.

Este rediseño estará formado por una caja con dos compartimentos para evitar que se junten los productos, en esta situación sería un compartimento para la pizza individual y el otro para las papas. Esta caja será en forma de un maletín la cual tendrá una agarradera para una mejor trasportación y en uno de los costados tendrá una base que servirá para el porta vaso y así evitar que se lleven los tres productos por separado hasta incluso esto evitará que puedan caerse de las manos las cajas (pizza y papas) y se pueda derramar el refresco.

El rediseño surge de la necesidad de una comida rápida para personas que no cuenten con el tiempo necesario para sus comidas y que necesiten algo fácil para llevar. De esta manera, el nuevo empaque mostraría la facilidad que las personas necesitan. Poder salir, comprar algo rápido y listo para llevar de una manera fácil ya que dicha comida se debe adquirir en la calle, y este innovación será de fácil adquisición en pequeños locales, en el metro o las mismas pizzerías.

Conforme al mercado meta a quien va dirigido tenemos que son personas de ambos sexos, una edad entre 15 a 45 años, con un nivel socioeconómico: D, D+, C y C+, cuyos ingresos vayan de $5,700 - $50,000, sean estudiantes y/o profesionistas.

La recopilación de la información será mediante una investigación cuantitativa, se realizara en campo, para la cual se elaboraron cuestionarios con preguntas clave que llevaran a una mejor compresión de la información y que nos podrán decir de una mejor manera lo que las personas en realidad quieren o quisieran expresar. Con los datos obtenidos el siguiente paso nos llevará a hacer una tabulación, sacar gráficas para visualizar de una mejor manera la información recopilada, hacer un análisis y poder hacer una efectiva toma de decisión sobre la viabilidad del proyecto.


The project involves redesigning the packaging of individual pizza combo, which may provide greater ease of transportation of the combo, which can eventually lead to the purchase is not only an individual pizza if not the combo.

This redesign will consist of a box with two compartments to prevent products come together in this situation would be a compartment for the individual pizza and one for potatoes. This box will be in the form of a briefcase which will handle for better captivity and one side will serve as a base for the cup holder to avoid that the three products are carried separately to prevent even that could fall Hand boxes (pizza and fries) and to spill the drink.

Domino's is a company started in 1960, Tom Monaghan and his brother James, bought "DomiNick's" a small pizzeria in Ypsilanti Michigan for $ 900 which I borrowed in 1961, James sold his brother half his business by a Volkswagen sedan used, and so Tom the owner of all the business was done. Tom Monaghan, the only owner of the company, renames the business "Domino's Pizza, Inc. in 1965. Spending two years, the first branch was opened in franchise Domino's Pizza in Ypsilanti, Mich.

The redesign comes from the need of a quick meal for people who do not have the time for meals and need something easy to carry. Thus, the new packaging facility show that people need. Get out, buy something fast and ready to take the easy way and that such food must be purchased on the street, and this innovation will be readily available in small premises, on the subway or the same pizzerias.

As the target market to which it is addressed we are people of both sexes, aged between 15-45 years, with a socioeconomic level: D, D +, C and C +, whose revenues go from $ 5.700 - $ 50,000 are students and / or professionals.

The collection of information will be through field research, for which questionnaires with key questions that will lead to a better understanding of the information and we may say in a better way what people actually want or would like to express were developed. With the data the next step we will make a tab, make graphs to display in a better way the information gathered, to analyze and to make an effective decision making on the project's viability.

Domino's is a company with about 50 years in the market which makes it a strong company for its expertise in both production and commercial and customer relations. These factors support to Domino's for competition.



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Domino’s [pic 3]

- Domicilio fiscal



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