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Search Engine and Information Privacy: A Shared Responsibility.

Enviado por   •  2 de Abril de 2018  •  1.016 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  536 Visitas

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In the other hand, we must talk about users and their responsibility in this “problem”. Search engines may use our information, and even without asking permission, but what are we letting they know? Have you thought about what are you shearing in Social Networks? Or what are you writing to subscribe on some website. Those are value data and we shared as if nothing. Our name, age, address and even our ID number among others. In Social networks we share our relationships, our kinship, our jobs, where do we go, what do we ear, what kind of music we like, what stores we shopping and pretty much everything what we do. As an example there was this video on Youtube where a guy impersonating a clairvoyant. He just asked them their name, and another person search his Facebook profile ant told him by earphone. That way the clairvoyant could say them many thing that are supposedly impossible for him to know, all the persons end up amazed. And why do we talk about this? Because we as users also have “Responsibilities”. In the Age of Information, our Data it is the most valuable thing we can have and it depends on us to guard it.

The right of privacy has evolved to protect the ability of individuals to determine what sort of information about themselves is collected, and how that information is used. Most commercial websites utilize "cookies," as well as forms, to collect information from visitors such as name, address, email, demographic info, ID number, IP address, and financial information. In many cases, this information is then provided to third parties for marketing purposes. Other entities, such as the government and financial institutions, also collect personal information. The threats of fraud and identity theft created by this flow of personal information have been an impetus for right of privacy legislation requiring disclosure of information collection practices, opt-out opportunities, as well as internal protections of collected information. However, such requirements have yet to reach all segments of the marketplace.

Now more than ever, as our digital footprints grow exponentially, we need to take personal action to preserve our online freedoms. Why? The Internet benefits and belongs to all of us — thus it is our joint responsibility to protect it.

The benefits of the Web have, of course, come at some cost, one of which is a loss of privacy. We are also more vulnerable to data breaches and identity fraud. But there are many things we can do to minimize the risks of both.

The threat from hackers and cybercriminals has expanded in relation to our dependence on the Internet. As our reliance grows, opportunities for them to prey on us increase. Online data breaches are not new. They have been around since the creation of the first networks, but there is a risk that they could reach epidemic proportions — cyber fraud is currently the fastest growing category of crime in the U.S. — and eventually erode our freedom to use the Internet as we desire.

In conclusion, are the Search Engine responsible for keeping and not use our information without prior consent, yes they are. Are the users responsible of what they shared on the web knowing it is sensitive information, yes they are. When it comes to Information privacy we are all responsible.


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