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División Académica Económica Administrativa

Enviado por   •  9 de Enero de 2019  •  1.680 Palabras (7 Páginas)  •  310 Visitas

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She makes up at 5:00 in the morning, She have me breakfast, She takes a shower at 5:40 in the morning, She have breakfast together with me father at about 6:0 in the morning. She brushes her teeth, she dresses up, she makes up, she goes to work, She Works from 8 in the morning, she goes to home, she haves a dinner, she goes to her bed, and she goes to sleep.

From Monday to Friday She…

She takes to bus, she goes to work and his routine changes.

She goes to work, and the office. She reads the mail, she prepares the order of the day and she makes her appointments from her boss, she goes to meetings she answers call and she eat breakfast, she receives all the documentation, she makes a data base at the end of the day. She takes a bus. She goes to home at 7 at night.

Part 3

1. - Concept Map[pic 4]


2. - Personal description

- He is Carlos Benitez

- He is 38 years old

- He is from Mexico

- He live in Ocotepec

- He is single

- He work in government of Morelos

- He is lawyer

- He is happy

- He is undersecretary

- He is tall and Slim

- He like to eat Sushi

- He dislike to lies

- He hobby is practice exercise

- It is Friday

- It is Winter

- It is cloudy

- His car

- It is Black

- It is big very big

- It is beautiful

- It is made of metal and plastic

- It is from the year 2017

- It is Jeep Grand Limited


3. - Daily routine

- He wakes up

- He gets up

- He takes a shower

- He dresses up

- He make his bed

- He haves breakfast

- He haves a cup of coffee

- He shaves his beard

- He brushes his teeth

- He combs his hair

- He takes a bus

- He goes to the office

- He work

- He goes you the home

- He watches T.V

- He practices exercise in GYM

- He takes a shower

- He dinners

- He brushes his teeth

- He goes to bed

- He goes to sleep


4. - Daily work routine

- He leaves his house

- He takes a bus

- He goes to the office

- He reads the mail

- He prepares the order of the day

- He makes his appointments

- He goes to appointments

- He eats breakfast

- He goes to meetings with his assistant

- He cares for people

- He does a data base

- He receives all the documentation

- He answers the calls

- He visits to governor

- He buys his lunch

- He sleeps in the office

- He leaves his the office

- He goes to home

- He takes a bus


5. - Draft

He is Carlos Benitez, He is 38 years old, he doesn’t old, He is from México, He live in Ocotepec, He is single so he doesn’t married, he work in government but he doesn’t government of Mexico, He is lawyer but he doesn’t secretary but he is undersecretary the government, He like toe at Sushi, He dislike to lies, He is tall and Slim, He work Monday to Friday it is Friday there for today is your last day of work, He like to Winter and cloudy, His Car Is the favorite car it is black, It is very big, It is made of metal and plastic.

He usually. He weeks up at 5:00 am but, he gets up at 5:00, he takes a shower at 5:45 am with not water. He dresses up, he make his bed, he haves breakfast but he never makes cupcakes, he haves a cup of coffee, he shaves his beard bur he doesn’t shaves his mustache, he brushes his teeth at 7:00 in the morning, he combs his hair at 7:05 in the morning always, he takes a bus in the Street, he goes to the office at 9:00 in the morning, he Works every day, he goes to the home at 6:00 at night, he watches T.V four 2 hours, he practices exercise in GYM at 9:00 at night, he takes a showers at 9:50 pm, he dinners salad, he brushes his teeth, he goes to bed but he watches Facebook for 1 hour, he goes to sleep at 10:30 at night.

The Monday to Friday. He a leaves his house at 8:30 in the morning, He takes a bus, therefore, he goes to the office at 9:00 am, always every morning, he reads the mail and he prepares the order of the day he usually he goes his appointments at 9:45 he eats breakfast at 11:00 not always he


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