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Proyecto final marketing.

Enviado por   •  22 de Marzo de 2018  •  2.128 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  504 Visitas

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Costumers by Remedios Mágicos products mostly because theirs is the only company which offers a kind of handicraft that most tourists and teens want for their gifts, souvenirs and else.

Market Research

Research it’s the systematic and endless pursuit of customers with UN objective.

In the preamble of the United Nations Charter referred to the reasons for existence of this organization are:

• To preserve humanity from war

• Reaffirm faith over the human rights.

• Create conditions under which justice and international law can be maintained.

• Promote social progress.

Now we will see 05 techniques of research marketing that Remedios Mágicos takes advantage of:

- Influence centers

Remedios Mágicos joins several organizations or participates in activities where it can interact with influential people who may become customers or to reference projects. This helps to achieve new costumers which aren’t in the initial target.

- Selectors

Remedios Mágicos persuades any ordinary working public, e.g. in retail stores and secretaries outstanding people, to provide clues and information about prospects

- Observation

Remedios Magicos it’s always alert to changes or events in the territory that may affect sales, e.g.: Birthdays, Graduations, Weddings and sales promotions. Reading newspapers is a basic way to find clues.

- Publicity

Remedios Mágicos believes that effective advertising to stimulate interest in their supply can alert potential customers to initiate contact with the company and get them into the client social groups.

- Social networks and global development

Remedios Mágicos provides information through social networks. e.g. facebook, twitter, blogs, web pages or else.


Strategic Plan

- Remedios Mágicos main goals are to achieve new costumers on the shortest period of time possible; to approach that bond server-customer instill their employees making the costumer feel accepted and on a familiar environment. To improve the activity of the store to generate cash-flow, opportunities and visibility.

- The national distribution system that this brand uses has made Remedios Mágicos accessible to a big amount of people from the whole world by just distributing it here in México. Remedios Mágicos products it’s often available in ample supply to people in areas where other consumer would never consider delivering their products, production techniques are so well developed that it costs a fraction of the selling price to manufacture their variety of products, resulting in high profit margins.

- Remedios Mágicos differential advantages are the creativity of the products and that most of their customers are loyal, when people buys on the store a big percentage of customers always comes back and also their acquaintances.

- SWOT Analysis



- Mexican products

- Attractive products for tourists as Mexican handicraft

- Store located on a touristic area

- Manufactured products in Mexico

- Offering of new and innovated products

- Great customer service

- Location of the business


- Lack of marketing experience

- Leadership

- Gap in experience and knowledge

- New brand on the market

- Lack of brand position



- Do not have a definite identity

- Poorly positioned brand

- Moving into new market segments that offer improved profits

- Strategic alliances


- Market demands

- New competitors in their home market

- Price inflation

- Strong competition

- Economic conditions

Marketing Environment


The macroenvironment of the company consists on the location of the store, which is downtown and a very strategic place since the main target are tourists and the main area of tourists in the city is downtown. The type of tourism the city has is also part of the macroenvironment since most of them are northamericans and some of them European, this means they are looking for something to take with them that says “Mexico”. Our company offers that and in a very unique way.Focusing also on the location there is something about that macroenvironment that isn’t very helpful, and it is the local buyers arounf the location, downtown is known as a very touristic zone but the few people that live in it and close surroundings most of them cant afford our products and that makes a gap in our sales.


Our microenvironment consists mostly in the employee we have in the store, we can control how the employee treats our customers because if the employee doesn’t give a good service the customers wont return and worse than that they will have a bad image of the company and wouldn’t recommend to other people. Since we are not a popular brand that can cause us a gap in our sales but we are able to change that by making a big advertising campaign around the city and make the local customers get to know more about us.


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