Enviado por Ninoka • 1 de Marzo de 2018 • 1.693 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 285 Visitas
Summarizing I must still working with a strict control of the time, using new Lead-in activities and Warm-up activities because they have given me good results, still keeping a good classroom atmosphere and work hard about listening and speaking in my next teaching practice period.
Fortunately in this group I also could achieve the objectives of my lesson plan because I did not have to change any activity, the discipline was better in comparison with the two previous teaching practices because as in first grade I had a strict control of the time and I created a need in students to work (a number of stamps) and as Doyle (1980) says “El orden se mantiene gracias a una cuidadosa planificación de acciones implicadas en la selección y organización de actividades y en el seguimiento y control del tiempo” so, this element helped me with the discipline aspect in which I had failed in my previous practices so I have to still using this element in this group to obtain good results.
The key element in this group was the material used with them because they really loved the flashcards used during the classes (cellphones and tablets) because that is a topic that they know very well and that motivated them; as TAPIA, Alonso (1999) tells us ”La motivacion se crea a partir de las caracteristicas personales de los alumnos, esto contribuye a que el interés y esfuerzo que ponen por aprender sean los adecuados” so I am going to take in account it for my future lesson plans because this element was key for my teaching practice.
Unfortunately I had some problems in my second class because I started the class without problems but there were doubts during the post activity because I did not explain some aspects of the work (the resolution of comparatives and superlatives examples) and I did not clarify them and when the students started to answer the worksheet they got confused because they were not understanding what were they going to do and the indiscipline appeared in the group and I could not recover the attention of the group so I have to be careful in my future lesson plans to do not lose the control of the classroom because as NERICI, Giuseppe (1969) tells us “La buena direccion del aula consiste en conducir el conjunto de actividades referentes a su disciplina, a lo largo de la clase, para que haya un mejor aprovechamiento del tiempo y un trabajo integrado, hacia la obtención de un mayor y mejor aprendizaje possible” so I have to be careful to have the control of the class during all the time and not just at the beginning.
Finally I want to highlight the importance of scaffolding in the classes with all the elements that include (prompting, encouraging, probing, modelling and clarifying) because this tool helped me to give students more confidence during the classes to participate, as NUTTALL, Christine (1999) tells us “Teachers have to use scaffolding to push their students to move ahead to a next level” and I think that I could accomplished this because I modelled the language during the classroom, I clarified the doubts correctly and I did prompting with my students (During the last exercise of my last class I gave some clues to them to complete their worksheet).So in my future teaching practices I must still working with this elements and also include the other elements that I could not work during this teaching practice.
Summarizing I had a really good teaching practice with this group because I had a strict control of the time, that facilitated the teaching practice so I must still working with this element to obtain the same and much better results, I have to be really careful with the explanation of my classes to do not leave doubts about the vocabulary of the use of the language because If I don’t do it the group will start to do disaster in the classroom and also I have to still using scaffolding and all it elements such as encouraging and prompting because this resource helped with the students that never want to participate.
- Alonso Tapia. (1999). Motivacion y aprendizaje en la escuela secundaria. En Psicología de la instruccion(106). Barcelona: ICE-Horsori.
- Robert Doyle. (1980). LA ENSEÑANZA EN LAS CLASES. En Classroom Management. (12). West Lafayette. Indiana. Ed. Kappa Delta Pi.
- Giuseppe Nerici. (1969). La disciplina escolar. Redalyc, 8, 128.
- Christine Nuttall. (1999). Teaching reading skills in a foreign languiage. London: Heinemann.
- Chris Cooter. (2009). Better Language Teaching. Canada: e-books.
- Jill Hadfield. (2001). Simple reading activities. London: Oxford basics.
- Rosa Vásquez . (2007). Reflexiones sobre el tiempo escolar. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 42, 10