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Estrategias competitivas.

Enviado por   •  4 de Abril de 2018  •  757 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  258 Visitas

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The companies are in constant competition, so an advantage is a competitive advantage, which is offered to customers more value for example in its economy, dare low prices and additional benefits and services; That is the goal of the competition to attract the customer, 'who buy us and not them', this is achieved along characteristics as experience, persistence, innovation, respect, trust, etc.

We also find features that allow us to relate more within our environment and how we move, these are a number of strategies that strengthen our company making us differentiate from the rest

The simple fact of having a local at a strategic point where make life easier for our customers, or have a professional staff to help us create a good image of our company and also our product, opens a huge gap where our competition is far behind, thanks to the characteristics that make a distinction between our companies.

Finally our state to verify and analyze whether to apply the advantages and differentiating features succeed apart from the rest, we have to do an internal examination, where we evaluate to answer a series of questions like, what we want to do ?, Our products if really satisfy what our customers are looking for? What we offer that our competitors do not? This is a series of questions where you can have a view that we must improve itself to use the various tools shown above,

So if we are a business and want to stand out from our competitors, all you must do is evaluate our internal and external environment, improve each of our failures aspects as we have found and continue to maintain and improve the positive aspects.

It is not easy to be a leading company in the market, because as has its advantages (Increased recognition by customers, control on the market, innovation in our products), also has its disadvantages it is that our competition will evaluate us so thorough finding our failures and taking advantage of that opportunity to surprise and excel even more above us, it is why we must not let our guard down and always be aware of what happens around us every day.


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